In Chennai City area - Day by day the number of homeless peoples are increased. They face more problems for their everyday living. So that, the Corporation of Chennai have initiated shelter project for the homeless persons as per the direction from the Supreme Court, Corporation of Chennai identify us the one of the partner agency for implementing the shelter project in zone VII (Ambathur) for men and Zone XI (Valasaravakkam) for women. Professionally qualified counselors are appointed in each shelter. Each shelter has the capacity of accommodating 30 beneficiaries.
Definition of Urban Homeless
Persons (Individuals/Families) who do not have a house, either self-owned or rented, but instead :
Live and sleep at pavements, parks, railway stations, bus stations and places of worship, outside shops and factories, at constructions sites, under bridges, in hume pipes and so on.
Spend their nights at night shelters, transit homes, short stay homes, beggars homes and children’s’ homes.
Live in temporary structures without full walls and roof, such as under plastic sheets, tarpaulins or thatch roofs on pavements, parks, nallah beds and other common spaces.
Process of identification of the urban homeless
There is a need for identifying the number of homeless people by conducting a Joint Enumeration Process that includes the following
- Demographic and Occupational Profile of the Homeless
- Social Vulnerabilities
- Access to Services / Schemes
- Needs Assessment
- Resource Mapping – Identification of vacant, unused buildings and lands within 3-5 kilometers from the place of residence of the homeless for up gradation/construction of shelters or houses.
Services Offered
- Personal Care and Support provided in the shelter with the help of Care Taken and Counselor
- Food and Clothing provided in the shelter
- Periodic counseling given by the professionally trained counselors
- Reintegration and Rehabilitation process regularly done by our team of staff
- Good rapport with the line departments helps to solve the problems of inmates.